Vanna's insides

Vanna's insides

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Perspective, Maybe?

I've been offered a position in which they'd like me to live onsite.  I applied with awareness of that requirement, only knowing that I have the freedom for that to be a non-issue.  I'm realizing though, that being offered a place to live, though not a con, I'm not viewing as a perk of the job either.  My current home is neither a result of circumstances, a means to an end, nor a sacrifice/compromise.  At the end of every day: I am home.

Additionally, Quinn and I have now made the park a part of our weekly routine.  She returns when she is in need of the loo.  It works rather well for both of us.

And, I've started dating again.  I've chosen to keep my current circumstances to myself initially.  After three first dates, no one has proved themselves ready for the reveal that is my home.  Some of my friends have opposing views on this... mostly the ones who A) do not live in a van, and B) are in a stable relationship.  So essentially, they can take their oppositional views, and suck it.  Namaste.  

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